Casey Doxey Movie Poster


I created this poster as a self-portrait movie poster for my Professional Imaging class. The photo was taken in Rexburg last week. I set up the camera and had my husband click the shutter for me. He’s so nice. It was an overcast day so the lighting was pretty evenly diffused. Here are my camera settings:

focal length – 39 mm; 1/250 sec;   f/5.6;   ISO 200.

I chose to do this image/design because I will be graduating this December. There are obviously lots of other things about myself that I could have used for the poster, but my graduation day really is something that I think of often. Well, not so much the day, but what it means and how I’ll plan for what I will do after graduation. The poster was a lot of fun to create. I used these three images and layered them in Photoshop, using masks to keep just the hats in the image.

Casey Doxey Graduation Casey Doxey Graduation Casey Doxey Graduation