Bailey is one of my most favorite and best friends in the whole world! So of course, I was super excited when she asked me to take her engagement photos! :) Bailey and Keawe are getting married in April…I’m so happy for them! We went to Park City for the photos. It was perfect! We started on Main Street and then drove to the McPolin barn in Park City. I tried to get a variety of shots so they can have lots to choose from. We were lucky that it wasn’t TOO cold that day…but once the sun went down behind the mountains there it started to get pretty chilly! But they were troopers. My favorite spot was definitely by the barn. The landscape was amazing! The mountains looked fabulous and there were some great, gnarly trees. :)
I just used natural light for all of the photos. The lighting was perfect that day. Plus, the snow sort of acted as a reflector!
I had so much fun taking Bailey and Keawe’s engagements. They are such a fun couple. Engagements are some of my favorite photos to take! I just love love! :)
Enjoy the photos and let me know which one is your favorite!
Casey that’s so funny that you took these over Thanksgiving break at the white barn in Park City, too! I’m surprised I didn’t see you there haha. These are so cute! I love the happiness that you captured from the couple.
Check out Emily’s pictures at, too!
Casey you are so good! It’s hard to take pictures in the winter time, but you did so good with it! Your photos are super sharp, and I love the different backgrounds you have. Great job!